The risk of falls increases as we get older due to declines in functions from inactivity, arthritis, joint pain or debilitating health. The person with Alzheimer’s is at risk as the disease progresses due to lack of judgement, vision changes, debility and functional difficulty. It is important to safety proof the home as much as possible.

It is a good idea to assess the risk that your loved one has in the home so you can implement appropriate preventions.

Important things to consider: when your loved one is outside without appropriate clothing for the weather; using electrical devises; having spills of hot coffee or other hot liquids; running a garbage disposal; or using knives. The Alzheimer’s Association has a great article on home safety at home safety.

A person with Alzheimer’s, who suffers a hip fracture, is at increased risk of death than a non- Alzheimer’s senior.

Seniors with Alzheimer’s are three times more likely to suffer from hip fractures than those without the disease.

People with Alzheimer’s suffer from vision and perception problems.