Quality Now offers solutions in increasing good days through creating positive emotions for both the family caregivers and the person with Alzheimer’s

As you care for your loved one, keep in mind that you are providing a tremendous gift of love. In spite of all the negative feelings, it is very possible to find the positives that allow you to appreciate every day. Know that there is no wrong choice. It’s about what feels good and is comfortable for you. Remember that most of what you do is meant to benefit and enhance the life of your loved one.

You may discover that your communication may revolve around what you see and in some cases this creates a memory spark or even a pleasant reaction. Being outside can, in essence, rejuvenate the soul for you and your loved one.

Your loved one’s positive feelings may not be observable to you, but believe this to be so and never believe otherwise.

If your loved one does engage with you, speak gently and deliberate never breaking eye contact. If you don’t receive the eye contact or response you desire, continue trying. You may sometimes be surprised at a glimmer of spark in his/her eye or a positive expression. These responses are priceless, and let you know that you are absolutely providing the right care. If your loved one does not respond at all, it’s okay. Take comfort in feeling the wonderfulness of being able to show your love to him/her, and the fact that they will also feel your love.

At the later stages of Alzheimer’s, you may be in the presence of merely a physical body without many expressions. Try to take solace in the fact that you can still touch your loved one, hold his/her hand and hug your loved one. You can even talk to your loved one as you used to do. I know, with my mom, I still told her about things that bothered me or told her funny stories. I did not get the reactions I wanted or that I was used too, but it always, somehow, made me feel better connected with my own feelings if nothing else.